Ashty and Jian are married and have four sons. They have been in Denver for almost three years after moving here from Iraq. This was a BIG change for the family and they have been working hard learning a new language, new culture, and new society. Ashty works at Vedia, a transportation subcontractor for RTD, and Jian works part time at FedEx Smartpost.

Although their current rental home is in a good neighborhood, it is not affordable and much too small for the family with only 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. In addition, the house is not well insulated and its single-pane windows mean they need to have extra heaters in the winter and spend more on utilities. Ashty and Jian both understand the value of paying a mortgage rather than rent because "in the end you have your own house."

Ashty and Jian both view homeownership as "the biggest dream we will have achieved", and know it will make the future of their children better. Owning a home and having their own place means a lot to them, and they feel comforted knowing that it will always be available for their kids in the future. Their children are all VERY excited to move into their own home, and even though they will have to change schools, they view this as a small adjustment compared to their move to the United States. The entire family is excited that the history of their home will begin with them.

Ashty and Jian are both extremely grateful to their sponsors and all the volunteers: "We appreciate all people working in this program and appreciate their efforts." Ashty continues: "We have a chance to get our own home and we want to work hard to finish our home as soon as possible" while Jian exclaims "We have our home!"